Wednesday, May 1, 2013

This chick puts the "D" in Douchecanoe...

She made the mistake of asking what I thought of her... the first thing I thought was, "I could tell her. That'd be fun." That was immediately followed by "no, I promised I'd be nice." So I didn't say what I wanted to, which was "you're a self-centered, self-important, posturing, snobby, fronting, self-concerned, self-involved worst supervisor I have ever had. You don't care what you have to do to make yourself look good and seem better than everybody else. You preach to be a Christian but sure don't act like it. Lets not forget you're rude, disrespectful, disorganized, clueless and unprofessional." I didn't say it, but shiiiiiiiiiiit... I wanted to.

It all came to a head today because she asked me what I thought of her, and the stuff with the meeting minutes, but I'll get to that in a minute (ha!). When she asked, I simply said, "because of the conversation I had earlier about this, in which I promised to be nice, I respectfully decline to answer that question." So I didn't answer it. But like I said, I sure wanted to.

Back in February, we had a treatment team meeting, during which time she made her feelings about some things known. So in the minutes for the meeting I put "she feels that our policy on such-and-such needs to be more clearly documented." When I presented the minutes to her to check off on, she took them from me and later that day told me she had placed a paragraph document in my folder on the network that stated how she wanted me to change the minutes. It was a long, drawn out piece of nonsense to replace my two sentences. In it she postured about what had been "said, not felt" and how she had discussed it with the senior counselors and such-and-such was reached and she did this-and-that as the supervisor. I thanked her for her input and sought out the advice of the program director, who said that I should just leave the minutes as they are, because I wrote down what was said, and felt, and there was nothing wrong with that. I let it go. Today, it came back up because she asked me to recopy meeting minutes for her to put in the counselor supervision charts. Mind you, I had already done this, so her asking me to go back and recopy the notes from January on, means she lost them. Anyway, that's neither here nor there; today when I gave her the copies of the minutes she asked me why I hadn't changed them as she'd asked. I said, "because I had a conversation with YOUR supervisor, who told me to leave them as I had written them." She asked how come she hadn't been told, I said I didn't know and figured that was that. She said something about how she just really wanted them changed, I said I wasn't going to, because I wasn't going to change the words to make her look good. I don't remember what she said then, but it got my hackles up and she said "you know Mel, you can really drop the attitude." I told her I would when she did.
When we met with the director, she accused me of trying to make her look bad by not changing it to her words which would make her look good. I told her "no ma'am, I am doing no such thing. There is a difference." She said there wasn't, they were opposite, if you don't look good you look bad. I attempted to argue, but let it go. I was winning on the meeting issue.

So then we went on to meet with the program director, who said that he wanted us to talk about what issues we're having, so she talked and I... tried. But I couldn't get a word in edgewise, so I finally gave up. I was asked several times if I had anything else to say and I just said no, that it wasn't worth it. That's one of those things that she does. Reminds me of this:
"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Interrupting Cow"

Now... lets move on to the way she parks her car. At work, on one side of the building, we have a parking space, a non-space in front of which is our HVAC stuff, a space marked "reserved for Medical Director" and several spaces to the right. She parks in either the non-space or the space for the doctor. Last week, one of my coworkers, J, had to park to the left of this chick's car. But this chick had her car so far over in the non-space, that J 's car was out in the drive a little bit. We were all worried that she would get clipped, so we had J move her car. We talked about it with this chick, including telling her it was a non-space, and she replied, "well, I've been parking there all week." I said, "that doesn't make it right." But, she doesn't care. She is going to do what she wants to do and that is the end of that.
Today she was again in the non-space. I parked in the space to the left, and all the way in the lines, correctly. The right side of my truck, however, was so close to the left side of her car that should have had to leave before me, she couldn't have. And I would've loved to have her ask me to move my car. Ummm... NO!

She also feels that she should be involved in every decision made and has to know what folks are doing down to the very last second. She was snarky and rude to me today about a meeting when she called-she said "are you even going to BE here for it?" I said "yes, why wouldn't I be?" She said, "I don't know." I asked her afterwards if all of that was about my having left early yesterday and not told her and she said it was. I said that I was terribly sorry, I had received a call from the school nurse about my sick child and I didn't have time to find her. She wasn't in her office, so I told the program director and I left. I doubt she honestly cared yesterday that I wasn't there, she was just pissed that I hadn't taken the time to chase her down all over the clinic to tell her that I had an emergency and had to leave five minutes ago.

This chick is one of those that looks for "help" and back up to what she thinks, but only until you don't agree with her. As soon as you disagree with what she has to say and doesn't matter if you're right or not, she becomes rude and ugly and has thrown staff out of her office. Case in point; she didn't know how to do something (after working there for six months) and asked for help. My coworker, L, told her the right way to do it. I supported L and said that was correct. Well, it wasn't what this chick wanted to hear, because it wasn't what she thought would happen. So again, off to the program director she went. She was VERY loud, blowing L up, talking about her being rude and insubordinate and all of this other nonsense. L was right and this chick was wrong. So immediately she spun it around to be something else to make L look bad.

Doesn't that kind of behavior just crawl your ass? As soon as someone is proven to be wrong, or they're not getting the kind of bullshit reinforcement they are looking for, they turn the conversation around spin it so "that's not really what I was talking about" and "okay, but the REAL issue is this", in order to make themselves look better and the other person look bad.

Lets move on to insecurity, shall we? During the conversation today with the program director, we were told that we didn't have to be friends, but we had to be respectful of each other and work well together for the next 7 days. This chick said, "well, I don't need any more friends. I have more friends than I can count. I actually need to get rid of some, I think."
SERIOUSLY?!? Who SAYS that?!?

I won't even get started on her when it comes to church and religion and such; other than to say that she's one of "those" folks. Today, when I said in our meeting that what I had to say didn't matter, she asked why. I said, "because after next Friday, I'll never see you again in my entire life." She said, "I don't know, the Lord works in mysterious ways." Really? Did you just bring God into it?

So after the meeting with the program director wasn't going the way she wanted it to, she started talking about how "the other counselors come into her office and complain about Mel G". Really? According to her the clients are upset about this-and-that I'm doing, including the way I'm dressed. Is she absolutely SURE the clients are complaining about the way I'M dressed? I'm not the one who is wearing inappropriately tight dresses and having my cleavage all hanging out to there and back. I may wear yoga pants and t-shirts some days, but at least I'm covered and nothing is inappropriately tight.

Next, are we all familiar with those "Real Housewives" shows? Well this chick is part of one down here called "Bama Wives". It premiered on one of our local channels some weeks ago. Totally inappropriate for viewing while we're at work with clients in the building, right? Didn't stop her. It was on TV in our main lobby with a crowd of staff people around it, watching her and her friends make asses of themselves. In my opinion, she, as the clinical supervisor, should've noted the inappropriateness of the show and kept the staff from watching it. But what do I know?

Last but not least... she is SO full of herself that she thought that something she said to me about "keeping positive" and "not having a negative outlook" is what is making the difference right now in my being able to stop working and stay home with Bubs. Some months ago, the counselors were getting take-out for lunch (which is a multi-time-a-week occurrence). She asked me if I wanted to get something and I said no, I didn't have money. I said that if we were going to do take-out then I was going to wait and we'd do it with the kids, together as a family, that I just didn't have the money for lunches out. She told me to not be so negative, that I "wouldn't always be that poor" and I had to think positively about my situation.
So now that I am able to stay home with Bub, she just KNOWS its because of what she said to me, that her positive, encouraging words made the difference and that's why I am able.
SERIOUSLY?!? How much more full of herself can she possibly get?!?

So, can I share with y'all the absolute WORST part?!?

You ready?

Her name is...
