Friday, February 25, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. Can you drive a stick shift?
Yes I can. Learned on an ex-boyfriend's Neon about a year after I got my license. Its been years since I've driven one, though, so I don't know how good I'd be at it anymore.

2.  What are two foods you just can't eat?
Liver and scrapple. Real scrapple, not the made-from-meat stuff you see showcased on "Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives". If it has meat in it, it isn't real scrapple.
And liver... its an organ... that processes stuff through your body. Um... I'll pass.

3. Do you buy Girl Scout cookies and what's your favorite kind?
Yes we do. My personal favorite are the Thin Mints. I've been known to eat an entire sleeve at once, not that I should.

4. How do you pamper yourself?
Pamper myself? Surely you jest. I consider that I'm "pampering myself" if I get a chance to shower alone for longer than three minutes and/or if I get time to read my book at night. That's pampering.

5. What is your nickname and how did you get it?
I have a couple nicknames. Most commonly "Mama". That was from my niece Anna when she was just 6 1/2. She called me Mimi & Lizzie's Mama, and that's then what they started calling me, and that was 8 years ago! Now Anna & Maddie call me "Aunt Babe". Long story there.
I'm Mommy, of course, to my babies-all of them, here recently.
My friend Jay calls me Lissa (and is the only one to get away with it).
And last we have the ever-present Mel. My sis-in-law started calling me that when we met, she's Filipina and didn't speak English well at that time, so I doubt she could say "Melissa". It stuck, and here I am. My boss calls me Melly-Mel, and my Mel Prime and my Nora call me Mel Squared. Even Mimi occasionally calls me Mel Squared because she gets a raging kick out of the fact that she is Mel Cubed.

1 comment:

  1. Melly-Mel's my favorite, that's what I call my coworker friend Melissa!
